
Data, Mobilité


Our AI software detects objects in pictures from any cameras, and delivers real-time data for smarter cities.

📖 Présentation de Parquery

Parquery analyses any image from any camera to detect objects and provide real-time results to customers in the smart city - smart mobility sectors. If cameras are already installed, then no additional infrastructure is required. Parquery’s smart parking solution provides real-time results on both parking occupancy and exact parking duration to customers: retail, real estate, airports, train stations, private car parks, bus depots, gas stations.

The innovative and built in-house object detection technology is however very flexible, and Parquery is now diversifying its portfolio to answer requests for fuel station management, bus depot management and detection of goods in warehouses or in delivery zones for instance.

Created in 2014 as an official spin-off from ETH Zürich, Switzerland, Parquery currently operates more than 50 projects in 25+ countries worldwide.

A propos de Parquery

Site internet
Pays (HQ)
Siège social
Zurich (Zurich)
Année de création
Secteurs d'activité
Data, Mobilité
Editer/Vérifier la fiche
Capabbles + Ensembble + Durabble
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