24 projets inspirants en Suisse
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ProSeed allie savoir-faire technologique et approche circulaire pour produire un nouvel ingrédient protéiné upcyclé, sans aucune terre à cultiver

MyFeld.ch brings your own garden into your living room. And this in a digital and playful way.

SwissDeCode SA
Real-time food quality, authentication and compliance for farmers, food manufacturers and food authorities.

Agri Aero
Agri.Aero est un service spécialisé dans l’épandage phytosanitaire par robot de traitement [drone autonome].

Robin des Fermes
Trouve le produit ou l’exploitation de ton choix, commande en quelques clics, paie en ligne et déguste ta victoire : quand c’est juste, c’est encore meilleur !

The modular vegetable garden to produce your fresh herbs at home, all year round, in a few days.

Agrinorm helps fresh produce suppliers exceed customer expectations while reducing claims and waste.

Alver's mission is to provide tasty and healthy foods that sustain the ever growing world population while protecting the environment.

Making sustainable food production measurable Together with farmers and food processors, for more soil vitality, biodiversity and a more efficient and sustainable use of resources in agriculture.

Fostering circular economy. Bioconverting food waste into sustainable proteins for animal feed through insect rearing.

En tant que producteur alimentaire ou en tant que restaurant, obtenez l'évaluation précise de l'empreinte environnementale de vos produits.

Improve the efficiency and sustainability of crop production with compelling digital agronomy solutions for large farming businesses, enabled by remote sensing and artificial intelligence.

Yes We Farm
Yes We Farm est la première plateforme de financement participatif dédiée aux projets en lien avec l’agriculture et l’alimentation en Suisse.

The sunlight pump by ennos turns sunrays into savings and impacts the lives of people who need easier, more reliable access to water.

TwentyGreen SA
The start-up TwentyGreen® produces a new probiotic feed supplement for sustainable animal farming, exerting several beneficial effects simultaneously.

TerraRad Tech AG
Drone-based Agriculture Mapping for Smart Irrigation, and Harvest Timing. Commercializing passive microwave sensing tech

Vuna Sàrl
Close the nutrient loop and produce your own fertiliser! Wisely manage your water – Vuna is your expert.